But it also means that they will miss out on the plethora of mods that will undoubtedly release when Skyrim: Special Edition releases on October 28, 2016. The Load Order Survival Framework is designed for all platforms – Xbox, PS4, and PC – using specific categories of like mods set out in a specific, indexed order.So, on to PC, which I found to be even buggier than on the PS4 BUT the graphics The protagonist is the only survivor from Vault 111 which is not far away from Boston. To be precise, not all of the mods are going to be available on all platforms – some are available on PS4, some on Xbox One and some on PC. It turns out that Bethesda does not allow NSFW mods on their website, yet Skyrim has mods where you can give your character big breasts and a big rear. I played F04 GOTY on PS4 pro with a 100% achievements (recently) then decided to try modding, which is severely limited on that platform. It lets you take cover, lean out and snap back to cover, and even vault over low obstacles.